Gary Collins was a long time loyal club member, who sadly passed away in 2014.
The Gary Collins Town Park Championship is a series of five age-adjusted 5k races that take place on the first Tuesdays of May, June, July August and September (sometimes the dates are shifted if there is a conflict with other races/events).
Members of the club run this course with the aim of improving their 5k time. Trophies are awarded to the male and female runners scoring the highest number of points in the series. Points are awarded based on an age graded finish time. Each participant’s best three performances over the five race series make up their final score.
Congratulations to our 2024 winners:
Ladies: Jan Hazirci
Gents: Kevin Esdaille
The races start at 7:30pm prompt (the last race of the series might start ealier due to diminishing light). Please try to arrive at least 10 minutes beforehand to allow time for warming up and getting organised!
There are two racing venues for the series (please check the club calendar to see which one is being used on the day).
Enfield Town Park:
The start is near the Cecil Road gate of the park (location). The route is two loops around Enfield Town Park -
Firs Lane Wetlands:
The start is near the tennis tables at Wetlands (location). The route is three loops (and a bit) around Firs Lane Wetlands -
Everyone is welcome, fast and slow, young and old. Watch your times improve!